2008年5月15日 星期四

緊急呼籲:工程界賑濟四川大地震災民 Emergency Appeal: Sichuan Earthquake



長遠來說,我們希望看見香港可以成立「無國界工程師」(Engineers Without Borders),以應付人道救援和貧困地區發展的需要。歡迎有意探討此項建議的朋友與我聯絡: hkalbertlai@yahoo.com.hk 。請參考www.ewb-international.org.

賑災捐款可直接存入特區政府賑災戶口(滙豐銀行「502-256803-001」)或進入「苗圃行動」網站 http://www.sowers.org.hk/search/rd?id=2329。謝謝。

黎廣德  工程師


聯絡黎廣德: 電話: (852) 82006332  電郵: hkalbertlai@yahoo.com.hk  

網誌: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/albertlai-hk


Dear Fellow Engineers,

I trust we are all aware of the humanitarian disaster of the Sichuan Earthquake on Monday.  This is the most severe earthquake in the Mainland over the last thirty years.  On behalf of [Engineers for Universal Suffrage], we would like to appeal to all engineers to support the fund-raising appeal by charitable bodies, as well as to offer your professional expertise, whenever practicable, to the current disaster relief effort and capacity building initiatives against future disasters.

In view of the poor construction quality of rural schools and hence the resulting heavy casualty, we are lining up with Sowers Action and Youth Development Foundation to see whether special efforts from the engineering profession can be dedicated to the future reconstruction of rural school buildings.  Relevant details shall be announced as soon as they are available.

In the long run, we hope that a local organisation modelled on [Engineers Without Borders] can be set up for future disaster relief and developmental work in the region.  If you are interested in exploring this idea, please feel free to contact me at hkalbertlai@yahoo.com.hk .  For your reference you may check www.ewb-international.org.

Donations may be deposited direct into the HKSAR Government account [HSBC (502-256803-001)] or sent to Sowers Action (please visit: http://www.sowers.org.hk/search/rd?id=2329 ).  Thank you.

Ir Albert Lai

On behalf of Engineers for Universal Suffrage

Contact me:    Tel: (852) 82006332     Email: hkalbertlai@yahoo.com.hk    Blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/albertlai-hk

