2009年9月6日 星期日

為民主以身相許:這是關鍵的時刻!/For democracy: time to act NOW!


    1.      公民黨認為爭取民主普選運動已到關鍵時刻, 考慮各方已提出的不同方案與策略後,建議全力爭取201720 20真普選路線圖。

    2.      所謂2017有真普選,即特首選舉不能有篩選。

    3.      所謂2020有真普選, 即立法會全面取消功能組別。

    4.      倘若中央能公開向香港市民承諾在201720 20有真普選,同時曾蔭權在2012政改方案諮詢文件裡一併提出 真普選路線圖,則2012政改可作中途方案討論協商。

    5.      否則,公民黨建議民主派採用以下「 普選路線圖雙辭方案」,團結一致, 全力爭取曾蔭權於任內落實真普選路線圖。   

    公民黨「路線圖雙辭方案」 先談判,後補選,再總辭   

    第一階段 談判

    團結民主派,要求曾蔭權於公佈2012中途方案諮詢文件時一併提 出真普選路線圖。公民黨將於99日倡議具體普選路線圖, 要求政府回應。   

    第二階段 – 補選

    假如曾蔭權在諮詢文件中未有提出真普選路線圖, 五區各一名泛民主派議員將會同時辭職,並參加補選, 以變相公投形式爭取政府提出真普選路線圖,並否決2012政改方 案。   











    第三階段 – 總辭

    五區補選後,民主派會在民意基礎上, 繼續要求曾蔭權在一年時間內提出及落實普選路線圖, 否則全體民主派議員將於201171日總辭, 而不會參加補選,表示抗議中央及曾蔭權缺乏誠意推行真普選, 同時要求曾蔭權因未能履行其20073月競選時的選舉承諾而引 咎辭職!    


Civic Party Declaration on Universal Suffrage  

The Civic Party declares its new plan to fight Universal Suffrage:

    1.      The democracy movement is now at a critical juncture The Civic Party now calls for united actions to fight for a roadmap which will give Hong Kong people genuine universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020.

    2.      Genuine universal suffrage means that, for the Chief Executive election, there must be no “pre-election” or “screening” of candidates in the nominating procedures.

    3.      For Legislative Council elections, genuine universal suffrage means the abolition of all the Functional Constituencies.

    4.      If the Central Government declares and commits itself to the implementation of genuine universal suffrage principles in 2017 and 2020, and a roadmap to reach this goal is put forward by Chief Executive Donald Tsang in his upcoming political reform consultation, Civic Party is prepared to discuss all reasonable models for 2012 elections as transitional arrangement.

    5.      If no roadmap is provided, then the Civic Party will set in train a “3-Stage Fight Plan for Universal Suffrage”, and invite fellow pan-democrats to stand together.  

    Civic Party “3-Stage Fight Plan for Universal Suffrage”  

    Stage One - Negotiation

    Unite Pan-democrats to demanding that Chief Executive Donald Tsang give Hong Kong people a roadmap for genuine universal suffrage. The Civic Party would publish its proposal on 9 September in order to engage the Government at this stage.  

    Stage Two – By-elections

    If Donald Tsang fails to produce a roadmap, the Civic Party will join effort with other democrats to promote a popular vote against the Government’s 2012 package, by forcing by elections resulting from the resignation of 5 GC Legislators.  

    We propose for further discussion the following list of 5 pan-democratic candidates who will tender their resignation:

    HKI: Tanya Chan

    KLE: Alan Leong

    KLW: Frederick Fung

    NTE: Leung Kwok Hung

    NTW: Lee Wing-tat  

    We suggest the following slogans for the by-election campaign:

      -      Fight for Roadmap

      -      Veto Fake Democratic Package

      -      Vote for Tanya Chan/Alan Leong/Frederick Fung/Long Hair/Lee Wing-tat  

    Stage Three – Resignation of all pan-democratic legislators

    Following the by-elections, democrats will give Donald Tsang 12 months to produce a roadmap for universal suffrage. If he still fails to do so, all 23 pan-democratic legislators will resign en mass in protest and demand Donald Tsang’s resignation for failing to act in accordance with his campaign pledges during the 2007 Chief Executive election.  

Dated 6 Sept 2009   

